Data Tables

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The following table is an embedded MQTT Data Table. It is a web page that subscribes to MQTT data and shows incoming messages in a table format.

Data in the table is updated in real-time as it lands on the server. Right click on data to access historical graphs.

This type of report uses MQTT security to subscribe to data, and can be sent to someone as a stand-alone html file, that whenever opened will log onto the server and start displaying data.

The data subscribed to is specified in the show field in the URL when calling the page. For example, to show all flow temperatures from all systems on a network (tilhiu) one would use... 

This is based on the standard 5 level MQTT Topic Structure used throughout software for interoperability.

network / node / device / data_group / dat_key

In standard MQTT form we would normally use + signs as wildcards:


As + signs are not used in URLs, we remove them to get the following topic:


To specify more than one filter, simply comma separate them in the URL as follows (adding return temperatures):
